What is the theme of the competition? What should the film be about?
The theme of the 9th Sabancı Foundation Short Film Competition is “Climate Migration”.
Where can I find the Competition’s regulations?
You can find the regulations of the Sabancı Foundation Short Film Competition on under the title “Regulations”.
What is the deadline for applications?
The deadline is Friday, December 6, 2024, and you must submit your application by 17:30 (İstanbul, GMT+3).
Where can I find the application form?
You can find the application form for the Sabancı Foundation Short Film Competition on
What is the contact email for the competition?
Is there a fee to enter the competition?
Entering the competition is free of charge.
Are there any age limitations to enter the competition?
There is no age limitation to enter the competition.
Can I enter the competition with animation or stop-motion film?
Yes, you can.
Can I apply for the competition with a film that entered another competition/won an award?
The films to enter the competition should not have been screened anywhere else, selected for another competition/festival or platform before nor awarded a prize (please see the 3rd paragraph of Article 4 in the Sabancı Foundation Short Film Competition Regulations).
My film has received a scenario development award in a competition/festival I entered. Can I apply for the competition?
No work shall be accepted if the work and/or its screenplay has been included in another competition or festival programme (please see the 3rd paragraph of Article 4 in the Sabancı Foundation Short Film Competition Regulations).
I have a feature-length film. Can I apply for the competition?
The owner of a work may not have any feature-length films shot until now (please see the 3rd paragraph of Article 4 in the Sabancı Foundation Short Film Competition Regulations).
Is it possible to nominate more than one film for the competition?
You can enter the competition with more than one film. In this case, you need to fill out a separate application form for each application.
For a film with two directors, we filled out the application form by mistakenly indicating that it had only one director. Can both directors attend the events? Can we indicate the name of the other director that was not included in the application form on the finalist list or the Market Selection list?
You will fill out an online application form when applying for the Sabancı Foundation Short Film Competition and have your film’s credits, and we consider those essential. The name(s) of all the director(s) of a work must be stated both in the credits and in the form you fill out online. If you are a finalist, you will be also required to submit a signed version of this form. You may not make changes in the form or the credits once you submit them. Any information entered in the application form must be accurate, and the number of directors must be entered correctly. Otherwise, the other director that is not mentioned in the form cannot benefit from any of the offerings to the director named in the application form, and his/her name cannot be added to any list later. In order to avoid any such problem, please make sure you read the regulation completely before applying (please see the 5th paragraph of Article 4 in the Sabancı Foundation Short Film Competition Regulations).
Can I send a film that I shot before which sticks to the theme?
The films to enter the competition should not have been screened anywhere else before nor awarded a prize.
How should I attach my film to the application form?
Films should be uploaded to Vimeo as a password protected video or to YouTube as an unlisted video, and the corresponding link should be provided during the application to be submitted on (Formats: .MP(E)G/ .AVI / .VOB / .MOV / .MP4 / .M4V, etc.)
For Vimeo:
In the case of Vimeo, after a film is uploaded, the applicant shall go to the tab “Privacy” and set a password. The set password must also be shared during the application on .
For YouTube:
Once you upload your video, you should select “Unlisted” under Visibility. This setting enables access to the film only with the associated link (please see the 4th paragraph of Article 5 in the Sabancı Foundation Short Film Competition Regulations).
What should be the duration of the films?
The duration of the films including the credits should not exceed 5 minutes (please see the 1st paragraph of Article 5 in the Sabancı Foundation Short Film Competition Regulations).
What should be the minimum duration of the films?
There is no minimum duration limit.
What are the requirements for the Turkish and English subtitles?
Turkish subtitles should be white, and English subtitles should be yellow (the required code for the colour yellow is #F9d658). For Subtitles to be embedded in a video, the font and font size to be used are Arial and 48, respectively, on a 75% transparent background. There should be a maximum of 40 characters per line, excluding spaces, and a maximum of two lines of subtitles should appear at once, one line for Turkish and one line for English (please see the 6th, 7th and 8th paragraphs of Article 5 in the Sabancı Foundation Short Film Competition Regulations).
Can a language other than Turkish be spoken in my film?
Yes, it is allowed as long as the subtitle rules specified in the technical requirements are followed.
Does the music that I use in my film have to have copyrights?
An applicant agrees that the responsibility lies with him/her with regards to the copyrights of the film. The responsibility for any copyright issue stemming from the use of non-original images, texts, music, etc. in the film lies with the relevant competitor. Any legal responsibilities that might arise in this context lie with the owner(s) of the work. The Sabancı Foundation Short Film Competition may not be held legally responsible for such an issue (please see the 7th paragraph of Article 4 in the Sabancı Foundation Short Film Competition Regulations).
Should I have any documents signed by the parents of child actors starring in my film?
An applicant shall assume complete responsibility for abiding by the laws pursuant to working with actors under the age of 18. You may ask for a sample letter of consent by sending an email to [email protected] (please see the 8th paragraph of Article 4 in the Sabancı Foundation Short Film Competition Regulations).My project is set in Turkey, but I, the project producer/director, am not a citizen of the Republic of Turkey. Can I apply for the competition?
At least one of the director(s) (owner(s)) and/or the producer(s) of a work submitted to the Competition must be a citizen of the Republic of Turkey (please see the 1st paragraph of Article 4 in the Sabancı Foundation Short Film Competition Regulations).
Can a project be submitted if either the producer or the director is a citizen of the Republic of Turkey and the other is a foreign national?
At least one of the director(s) (owner(s)) and/or the producer(s) of a work submitted to the Competition must be a citizen of the Republic of Turkey (please see the 1st paragraph of Article 4 in the Sabancı Foundation Short Film Competition Regulations).
Can a nominated film have more than one director?
Yes (please see the 1st paragraph of Article 4 in the Sabancı Foundation Short Film Competition Regulations).
Can a nominated film have more than one producer?
What are the important dates for Application and Evaluation?
Project applications must be submitted from Thursday, July 25, 2024 to Friday, December 6, 2024. The finalists will be announced on Friday, January 10, 2025. Three award-winning projects selected by the jury and the Social Impact Award winner will be announced during the award ceremony to be held by the Sabancı Foundation on Wednesday, February 5, 2025.
Are there any restrictions on the use of brands in a film? Will it affect the evaluation of my film if I use a brand?
Avoiding making a brand visible in your film, even if you attribute a positive meaning to the product in your film, will protect you from any legal processes that you may encounter in the future regarding the brand. However, the Sabancı Foundation Short Film Competition has no restrictions on the inclusion of a product by making its brand clearly visible in your film, unless the use of the product is expressly encouraged or discouraged. It will not affect the evaluation of your film.
Can I share the footage / trailer of my film on my social media accounts during the application process?
No. Owners of nominated films may not share any images or visuals of their films before the finalists are announced. The owners of the finalist works may not share any visuals related to their films, other than the images published on the official channels of the Competition, before the Competition is concluded (please see the 14th paragraph of Article 1 in the Sabancı Foundation Short Film Competition Regulations).).
After the applications are submitted, how will the evaluation and awarding progress?
A preliminary jury will evaluate all the projects following the deadline for applications, which is December 6, 2024, through January 10, 2025 and the finalists will be shortlisted. The finalists will be announced on January 10, 2025. Three award-winning projects selected by the jury and the Social Impact Award winner will be announced during the award ceremony to be held by the Sabancı Foundation on Wednesday, February 5, 2025.
Who is on the preliminary jury?
The Preliminary Jury consists of three people, including the Art Director, who are experts in cinema or the “theme” of the Competition and it is established by the Sabancı Foundation(please see Article 6 in the Sabancı Foundation Short Film Competition Regulations).
Who is on the jury?
Selected by the Sabancı Foundation, the Jury is made up of five people who are nationally or internationally renowned and are experts in cinema or the “theme” of the Competition(please see Article 6 in the Sabancı Foundation Short Film Competition Regulations).
Who is on the Advisory Board?
Established by the Sabancı Foundation, the Advisory Board is made up of 5 people who are nationally or internationally renowned and are experts in cinema or the “theme” of the Competition. (please see Article 6 in the Sabancı Foundation Short Film Competition Regulations).
Who is on the Social Impact Jury?
Established by the Sabancı Foundation, the Social Impact Jury, independent of the Main Jury, consists of 3 people who are experts in the "theme" of the Competition (please see Article 6 in the Sabancı Foundation Short Film Competition Regulations).
May I submit my film to other festivals/platforms after the finalists are announced if I am not a finalist?
What are the awards?
The projects chosen by the jury will be awarded the following prizes: First Prize TRY 60,000, Second Prize TRY 40,000 and Third Prize TRY 25,000.
Who will be awarded the prizes? When and how?
Checks in the amount of the prize will be handed over to the directors of the selected works in the award ceremony to be held by the Sabancı Foundation. If the director is not a citizen of the Republic of Turkey, the prize will be awarded to the producer of the work who is a Turkish citizen (please see the 6th, 7th and 8th paragraphs of Article 8 in the Sabancı Foundation Short Film Competition Regulations).
What is the Social Impact Award? How will its winner be determined? Is there any prize money?
The Social Impact Jury will be established by the Sabancı Foundation to evaluate the finalist works. It consists of 3 people who are experts in the theme of the Competition or representatives of NGOs. The Sabancı Foundation executives or staff may not be a member of the Jury. The aim of the Social Impact Jury is to watch all the works that made it to the finals, independently of the main jury, and to give a Social Impact Award to a film that they think best serves the theme in the field of civil society (please see Article 6 in the Sabancı Foundation Short Film Competition Regulations). The Social Impact Award winner will receive TRY 25,000 (please see the 5th paragraph of Article 8 in the Sabancı Foundation Short Film Competition Regulations).
Where and in which format should the screening copies of the films be sent?
The finalists must deliver their screening copies in Full HD quality, one copy with Turkish and English subtitles and one copy without subtitles as .MOV or .MP4 file by 17:30 on January 17, 2025 .via an Online file transfer method (WeTransfer, Google Drive, Dropbox, etc.) (please see the 2nd and 3rd paragraphs of Article 7 in the Sabancı Foundation Short Film Competition Regulations).
Can I deliver my film on a Blu-Ray Disc or DVD?
The films may be only delivered via an online file transfer method (WeTransfer, Google Drive, Dropbox, etc.).
How can I learn more about the recording & registration certificates required for the award-winning works?
You can learn more by visiting the website of the General Directorate for Copyright, Turkish Ministry of Culture and Tourism:
With respect to the recording & registration certificates required for the award-winning works, which type of recording & registration should I apply for?
The award-winning works should have an Optional Recording & Registration Certificate.
How many people can I invite to the award ceremony? How many people from my team can attend?
Up to 9 people other than the director(s) can attend the award ceremony in the case of finalists and, in the case of directors in the market selection, up to 6 people from their teams can attend.
Can I attend the finalists camp with my teammates/friends?
The finalists camp is specially designed for the directors of the films that make it to the finals. Only the directors can individually attend this event and the event is not open to other members of the team. However, if the finalist film has more than one director named in the application form, they must attend these events together (please see the 15th paragraph of Article 7 in the Sabancı Foundation Short Film Com-petition Regulations).
I made it to the final, but I do not live in Istanbul. Will you provide transfers from/to the airport/hotel in Istanbul? Or am I expected to arrive at the hotel/airport by other means?
We will have transfers arranged from/to the airport/hotel in Istanbul (please see the 16th paragraph of Article 7 in the Sabancı Foundation Short Film Competition Regulations).
I am a participant not living in Istanbul. Can I arrange my own travel dates to/from Istanbul?
You can set your own travel dates to/from Istanbul. If you want to extend your stay at the hotel beyond the event dates, you must cover your own accommodation expenses (please see the 17th paragraph of Article 7 in the Sabancı Foundation Short Film Competition Regulations).
Can I stay at the hotel with my family/friends/teammates?
You can stay at the hotel with your family/teammates provided that those who will stay with you at the hotel cover their own expenses (please see the 18th paragraph of Article 7 in the Sabancı Foundation Short Film Competition Regulations).
I am a participant under 18 years old and I do not live in Istanbul. Can I come to the events alone?
Participants under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a parent or a person other than their parents with their parents’ consent (they must submit a letter signed by their parents stating that they have given their consent to the same) during their trips and hotel stays. If they wish to participate alone, they must submit a letter signed by their parents stating that they have given consent to it (please see the 19th paragraphs of Article 7 in the Sabancı Foundation Short Film Competition Regulations).
Can I invite my friends who are not in my team to the award ceremony?
Yes, you can (up to 9 people other than the director(s) can attend the award ceremony in the case of finalists) (please see the 20th paragraph of Article 7 in the Sabancı Foundation Short Film Competition Regulations).
Does Sabancı Foundation Short Film Platform apply to festivals on my behalf after the Competition?
The Sabancı Foundation Short Film Platform shall not apply to any festival with your film during or after the competition, and shall not pay any application fee for any festival. In the post-competition period, the directors must submit their official applications themselves to any other festival where they want to compete (please see the 21st paragraph of Article 7 in the Sabancı Foundation Short Film Competition Regulations).
What is the Market Selection? How will films be selected for the Market Selection?
The organization team of the Sabancı Foundation Short Film Competition launched the “Market Selection” in 2021. The selection contains a group of 4 to 12 nominated films that have been short-listed and not been screened anywhere else, but do not qualify for the finals due to various reasons, and that are considered good enough given the artistic criteria. The Market Selection has been created to enable such films to meet with important cinema professionals and festival representatives at an early stage in Turkey and the whole world (please see the 1st paragraph of Article 9 in the Sabancı Foundation Short Film Competition Regulations).
How many team members of a director in the market selection can attend the award ceremony?
Up to 6 people from their team can attend the ceremony.